If you search for company details or shop online, then you’re likely aware of what online reviews are. It’s consumer-generated content where customers share their experiences in receiving services or using products made by particular brands. This information may describe the pros and cons associated with products or the quality of customer service customers receive…
Read MoreA study published by CNBC in 2019 outlined how it was expected that 72% of individuals would only use mobile to access the internet by 2025. Now that we’re quickly approaching that year, you may wonder whether those forecasts are on point. They are trending in the right direction if you take some of the…
Read MoreIf you research statistics for what percentage of the population uses different internet browsers, you’ll see that most individuals use Google Chrome. Data sourced by Ars Technica captures how Google Chrome’s usership is at least 3.4 billion, whereas the next highest is Apple Safari at just over 1 billion. Research compiled by Fit Small Business…
Read MoreWhat’s the difference between a shared server hosting and a dedicated server? It is self-evident that businesses, like people, are supposed to grow; and with growth, comes change. The need to launch or upgrade the websites can be a big challenge when choosing shared hosting vs dedicated server hosting plan. Things can become confusing because…
Read MoreDepending on how involved you are in the WordPress community, you may or may not be familiar with the upcoming WordPress Gutenberg editor. This post will help you understand what Gutenberg is and how it is going to impact the WordPress development field. What is Gutenberg? Briefly, Gutenberg is the upcoming replacement to the WordPress…
Read MoreWhen it comes to web development, there are an overwhelmingly large number of programming languages to choose from. For an up-and-coming programmer, it can be a hard decision on which language to learn first. Assuming the programmer already has a rudimentary understanding of how websites are structured (including HTML and CSS), there are a few…
Read MoreMitro Digital Marketing joined activists and the internet companies to defend net neutrality from a rollback of protections proposed by the Federal Communications Commission. Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminate or charge differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of…
Read MoreMitro Digital Marketing has grown and moved to a bigger and better office. We are now located in the Sunny Plaza, 2701 N. Croatan Hwy in the Suite A. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948. Our office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Friday. The Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce is organizing a…
Read MoreWhere is your business located? When you open a business, you consider where the ideal location is for that business. Expanding that concept to the digital world will lead you to the importance of online local directories. Local directories need to be set up and properly optimized for both Google, and for their users. Imagine…
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